
how to access variables in imported module in local scope in perl?

I am stuck while creating a perl Moose module.

I have a global pm module.

package XYZ;
require Exporter;
our @ISA = qw(Exporter);  ## EDIT missed this line 
our @EXPORT_OK = qw($VAR);
my $VAR1 = 1;
our $VAR = {'XYZ' => $VAR1};

I want to get $VAR in a Moose module I'm creating

package THIS;
use Moose;
use YAML::XS;
sub get_all_blocks{
  my ($self) = @_;
  require $self->get_pkg(); # this returns the full path+name of the above package
  # i cannot use use lib+use since the get_pkg starts complaining 

  our $VAR;
  print YAML::XS::Dump($XYZ::VAR); # this works
  print YAML::XS::Dump($VAR); # this does not work
  # i cannot use the scope resolution since XYZ would keep changing.


Can someone please help me with accessing variable?

EDIT: Missed one line in the package XYZ code. I cannot touch the package XYZ since it is owned/used by someone else, I can just use it :(


  • Exporting variables may easily lead to trouble.

    Why not

    package XYZ;
    use strict;
    use warnings;
    use Exporter qw(import);
    our @EXPORT_OK = qw(get_var);
    my $VAR = '...';  # no need for "our" now
    sub get_var { return $VAR }

    and then

    package THIS;
    use warnings;
    use strict;
    use XYZ qw(get_var);
    my $var = get_var();    

    See Exporter.

    As for what you tried to do, there are two direct problems

    But there are far greater problems with sharing variables across modules.

    It makes code components entangled and the code gets harder and harder to work with. It runs contrary to principles of well defined scopes and modular design, it enables action at a distance, etc. Perl provides many good tools for structuring code and we rarely need globals and shared variables. It is telling that the Exporter itself warns against that.

    Note how now my $VAR in XYZ is not visible outside XYZ; there is no way for any code outside XYZ to know about it or to access it. When it is our then any code in the interpreter can write it simply as $XYZ::VAR, and without even importing it; that's what we don't want.

    Of course that there may be a need for or good use of exporting variables, what can occasionally be found in modules. That is an exception though, to be used sparingly and carefully.

    Unless they're declared as package globals under a lexical alias via our in their package, in which case they can be used anywhere as $TheirPackageName::varname.

    This complete privacy is courtesy of my.