
Syntax highlighting not working for Node.js Vash view files in Visual Studio 2015 Update 3

In Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 I am building a Node.js application and am using Vash as the view engine. However, when I write HTML in the vash files, the syntax highlighting is not working. It just shows up as plain text. So for example, this:

<!DOCTYPE html>

Would just show up without any highlight at all.


  • Thanks to Clint Helfers at UPNXT (see here) I was able to get the highlighting working:

    In Visual Studio 2015, go to Tools > Options > Text Editor > File Extension and then add vash as the extension with the Editor HTML (Web Forms) Editor. See below:

    enter image description here

    Once I did that, I had to close open .vash files and then, when I reopened them, all of the HTML highlighting worked.