I am working on a booking project and using Metro-UI Framework.
I am trying to disable todays date for booking after 1pm. When I use
I can disable the previous dates and today's date but as I said I would like to disable it after 1pm. So, Is it possible to use min-day with time in Metro-UI Calendar ?
Yes, you will need to add some javascript into the metro.js
file though.
Search for: $.widget("metro.calendar", {
in the metro.js file. You should see a list of options - minDate, maxDate etc.
In this list you want to add a new option -
cutTime: false,
- Lose the comma if it's at the end!
Search for the following line in the file:
if (o.minDate !== false && typeof o.minDate === 'string') {
Inside this IF statement you should see the following:
o.minDate = new Date(o.minDate + 'T00:00:00Z') - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
Replace this line (inside the IF statement) with the following:
// Declare variable
var _time = '';
// If a cutTime has been set take the passed in value
if(o.cutTime !== false && typeof o.cutTime === 'string') {
_time = 'T' + o.cutTime + 'Z';
// Otherwise set it to the default
else {
_time = 'T00:00:00Z';
o.minDate = new Date(o.minDate + _time) - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
The updated if statement will now go through and if you have a min time it will set the minDate to be from this time, otherwise it will default to midnight.
*Notice that the last line (- 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)? We change the format of the date to be an ISO format. We’ll need this again shortly.*
Search for the following line:
d_html = "<a href='#'>" + i + "</a>";
This should be sitting in an Else statement. Replace this line with the following:
// If we specify a time && date it is today
if(o.cutTime !== false && year === this._today.getFullYear() && month === this._today.getMonth() && this._today.getDate() === i){
// Create a new date
var curDate = new Date();
//Set current date as the same format as the minDate
curDate = curDate - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
// Check that the current date has not surpassed the min date
if(curDate < o.minDate) {
// If it has, treat it like another day
d_html = i;
else {
d_html = "<a href='#'>" + i + "</a>";
else {
d_html = "<a href='#'>" + i + "</a>";
The whole block should read as follows: for (i = 1; i <= daysInMonth; i++) { week_day %= 7;
if (week_day === 0) {
tr = $("<div/>").addClass('calendar-row');
td = $("<div/>").addClass("calendar-cell align-center day");
div = $("<div/>").appendTo(td);
if (o.minDate !== false &&
(this._dateFromNumbers(year, month + 1, i) < o.minDate) ||
o.maxDate !== false &&
(this._dateFromNumbers(year, month + 1, i) > o.maxDate)) {
d_html = i;
} else {
// If we specify a time && date it is today
if(o.cutTime !== false && year === this._today.getFullYear() && month === this._today.getMonth() && this._today.getDate() === i){
// Create a new date
var curDate = new Date();
//Set current date as the same format as the minDate
curDate = curDate - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;
// Check that the current date has not surpassed the min date
if(curDate > o.minDate) {
// If it has, treat it like another day
d_html = i;
else {
d_html = "<a href='#'>" + i + "</a>";
else {
d_html = "<a href='#'>" + i + "</a>";
Go to your HTML and you will now be able to add you min-time like so:
<div id=“calendar” data-min-date=“27/01/2017” data-cut-time=“13:00:00”></div>
The time goes in in HH:MM:SS so you can get quite specific!
That should do it. You can use the same approach if you want to set a maxTime too - after 3pm on Saturday 21 July for example.