
Emacs 24.5 , CUA mode. Not paste text in the minibuffer

In Windows 7 / Emacs 24.5

  1. Copy text e.g. "example" in the kill-ring
  2. M-x
  3. C-y (yank)
  4. Success show text "example" in the minibuffer

But if turn on CUA-mode, the text "example" not yank (paste) by 'C-v' in the minibuffer.


  • CUA mode makes C-v the yank/paste command.

    If you start Emacs with :

    emacs -Q

    Then turn on CUA mode (M-x cua-mode) you'll see that C-v works as you expect.

    Without knowing your setup it's difficult to be sure but it's likely you're using a package which modifies the behavior of M-x (E.g. smex, Ido, ivy, etc.)

    It's likely CUA mode won't really have anything to do with this problem. You can verify this by trying to do C-y to yank in the minibuffer too.

    Packages which enhance M-x may provide a way to allow you to drop out temporarily, so you can yank text in-place.


    From your comments we know you are using Helm, which overrides some bindings in the minibuffer, including C-v which is bound to page down.

    Because bindings are applied at different mode (context) scopes, the minibuffer modemap (list of key bindings) will override anything that's applied at a more general context (such as cua mode)

    To work around this you'd need to add a binding specifically for cua-paste in the affected mode map. It would need to be applied after Helm has loaded.