
How to get error statusCode from `MoyaError`?

I'm using a Moya, Moya_ModelMapper and RxSwift to perform network requests. Here is my example code:

let provider = RxMoyaProvider<MyEndpoint>()
let observable: Observable<RegistrationResponse> = provider.request(.register(firstName: "", lastName: "", email: "", password: "")).mapObject(type: RegistrationResponse.self)
observable.subscribe {
    [weak self] (event: Event<RegistrationResponse>) in
    switch event {
    case .next(let response):
    case .error(let error):
    case .completed:

Everything works fine, but I don't know how to get an error code when I receive for example a 409 status code response type from the server. If I print the error I will get:

jsonMapping(Status Code: 409, Data Length: 0)

but I don't know how to get this status code by code. The error is MoyaError which is an Enum type. Here it's a source code of MoyaError.



  • Migrating from the comment

    A Moya error does not contain an error code directly, they do contain MoyaResponses which do in turn contain the error code.

    First case the error as as MoyaError

    let moyaError: MoyaError? = error as? MoyaError

    The optional MoyaError will contain an optional response, using optional chaining we get:

    let response : Response? = moyaError?.response

    Lastly we can get the response its status code.

    let statusCode : Int? = response?.statusCode