I need to disable some cells according checkbox status is changed. I added a listener to a checkbox column:
listeners: {
checkchange: function( me , rowIndex , checked , record , e , eOpts) {
var row = me.getView().getRow(rowIndex);
var columnIndex = Ext.getCmp('MyColumnIdToDisable').fullColumnIndex;
But I got this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Ext.get(...).setDisabled is not a function
You can use this.disabledCls
I have already example which does probably the same as you need. It disables particular cell.
onCheckcolumnCheckChange: function (checkcolumn, rowIndex, checked, record, eOpts) {
// we need to get a grids view
var view = Ext.first('#MySpecialGridId').getView();
var cell = view.getCell(rowIndex,1);
if (checked) {
// add disabled cls -> disabled
// remove the disabled cls -> enabled