
Recursion Python

def removedups(word):
  if len(word)<=1:
    return word
    if word[0]==word[1]:
      return removedups(word[1:])
      return word[0]+removedups(word[1:])


I dont get how the recursion works for this case. My knowledge so far is:

1) it skips the base test

2) goes to the recursion call and returns 'abbcc', and then it starts over again:

3) the if statement in recursion call is false so you disregard it

4) The else statement is where i get confused when it says return word[0] +removedups(word[1:]). Does it go the if statement and checks the word('bbcc')


  • return word[0]+removedups(word[1:])

    word[0]+removedups(word[1:]) is returned only when the execution of removedups(word[1:]) is complete.

    removedups('bbcc') returns 'bc'

    So removedups('abbcc') returns 'a' + 'bc' i.e. 'abc'