
OKTA - OAuthError: Illegal value for redirect_uri parameter

I am working in my Developer Account in OKTA.

I am trying to get a Very Simple SPA App to obtain a JWT From OKTA.

  1. I login with authClient.signIn({}) and that returns a transaction.sessionToken/

  2. With that Session Token I should be able to call authClient.token.getWithoutPrompt({}) but I can never reach that code.

I get the following error: OAuthError: Illegal value for redirect_uri parameter.

How do I get beyond this OAuth Error so I can finally get back a JWT. I have tried examples on OKTA GIT but cannot get anything to work.

function getJWT()
  var orgUrl = 'https://MYXXXXXXX.oktapreview.com'; 
  var keyID = "MY CLIENT ID";

  var user = "MYUSER ID";
  var pwd =  "MY PASWORD"

  var appScope = ['openid', 'email', 'profile', 'phone', 'groups'];  

  var authClient = new OktaAuth({url: orgUrl, clientId: keyID,});


          username: user,
          password: pwd,
          redirectUri:  "http://localhost:5656/test.html"  //THIS IS SETUP IN MY OKTA ID
        .then(function(transaction) {
          if (transaction.status === 'SUCCESS') {
            authClient.session.setCookieAndRedirect(transaction.sessionToken); // Sets a cookie on redirect
            $('#tokendiv').append('<h4>Session Token</h4>' + transaction.sessionToken);

            /// THIS IS NEVER REACHED, I Always Get OAuthError: Illegal value for redirect_uri parameter.
              responseType: 'id_token', // or array of types            
              scopes: appScope,
              sessionToken: transaction.sessionToken
              .then(function(res) {
                console.log("JWT: " + jwt);
                $('#tokendiv').append('<h4>JWT</h4>' + res.idToken);
              .fail(function(err) {
                console.log("ERROR " + err);
                $('#tokendiv').append('<h4>Error</h4>' + err);

          } else {
            throw 'We cannot handle the ' + transaction.status + ' status';
        .fail(function(err) {


  • As long as your redirectUri is included in the approved Redirect URIs in your Okta Developer organization, you should not be receiving that error.

    Below I was able to successfully return an id_token running on localhost:5656.

    <!-- index.html -->
            <button onClick="getJWT()">Button</button>
            <div id="tokendiv"></div>
        function getJWT(){
            var orgUrl = 'https://{{org}}.oktapreview.com'; 
            var keyID = "{{clientId}}";
            var user = "{{user}}";
            var pwd =  "{{password}}"
            var appScope = ['openid', 'email', 'profile', 'phone', 'groups'];  
            var authClient = new OktaAuth(
                    url: orgUrl,
                    clientId: keyID,
                    redirectUri: "http://localhost:5656/index.html"
                    username: user,
                    password: pwd,
            .then(function(transaction) {
                if (transaction.status === 'SUCCESS') {
                        responseType: 'id_token', // or array of types            
                        scopes: appScope,
                        sessionToken: transaction.sessionToken
                    .then(function(res) {
                        $('#tokendiv').append('<h4>JWT</h4>' + res.idToken);
                        console.log("JWT: " + JSON.stringify(res));
                    .fail(function(err) { /* err */ })                        
                } else { /* throw error */ }
            .fail(function(err) { /* err */ });