I have tried this:
let result = try drop.client.get("http://dropcanvas.com/ir4ok/1")
but result.body always = 0 elements
I have tried this
drop.get("theFile") { request in
let file = NSData(contentsOf: "/Users/bob.zip")
return file // This fails here
You are on the right track here, but the reason why result.body
is always empty is because your file service is returning a 302
redirection rather than the file itself. You need to follow this redirection. Here is a simple implementation, specific to your use case only, which works:
var url: String = "http://dropcanvas.com/ir4ok/1"
var result: Response!
while true {
result = try drop.client.get(url)
guard result.status == .found else { break }
url = result.headers["Location"]!
let body = result.body
The very best method is to save your file in your Vapor app's Public
directory, and either have your client request the public URL directly, or return a 302
response of your own pointing to it.
If you expressly want to hide the permanent home of the file or e.g. perform authentication then you can return the file from your own route using Vapor's own FileMiddleware as a guide.