
Pandas rank by multiple columns

I am trying to rank a pandas data frame based on two columns. I can rank it based on one column, but how can to rank it based on two columns? 'SaleCount', then 'TotalRevenue'?

import pandas as pd

df = pd.DataFrame({'TotalRevenue':[300,9000,1000,750,500,2000,0,600,50,500],
    'Date':['2016-12-02' for i in range(10)],

df['Rank'] = df.SaleCount.rank(method='dense',ascending = False).astype(int)

#df['Rank'] = df.TotalRevenue.rank(method='dense',ascending = False).astype(int)
df.sort_values(['Rank'], inplace=True)


current output:

    Date        SaleCount   TotalRevenue    shops   Rank
1   2016-12-02  100          9000            S2      1
5   2016-12-06  100          2000            S8      1
3   2016-12-04  35           750             S5      2
2   2016-12-03  30           1000            S1      3
7   2016-12-08  30           600             S7      3
9   2016-12-10  20           500             S10     4
4   2016-12-05  20           500             S4      4
0   2016-12-01  10           300             S3      5
8   2016-12-09  2            50              S9      6
6   2016-12-07  0            0               S6      7

I'm trying to generate an output like this:

    Date        SaleCount   TotalRevenue    shops   Rank
1   2016-12-02  100          9000            S2      1
5   2016-12-02  100          2000            S8      2
3   2016-12-02  35           750             S5      3
2   2016-12-02  30           1000            S1      4
7   2016-12-02  30           600             S7      5
9   2016-12-02  20           500             S10     6
4   2016-12-02  20           500             S4      6
0   2016-12-02  10           300             S3      7
8   2016-12-02  2            50              S9      8
6   2016-12-02  0            0               S6      9


  • Another way would be to type-cast both the columns of interest to str and combine them by concatenating them. Convert these back to numerical values so that they could be differentiated based on their magnitude.

    In method=dense, ranks of duplicated values would remain unchanged. (Here: 6)

    Since you want to rank these in their descending order, specifying ascending=False in Series.rank() would let you achieve the desired result.

    col1 = df["SaleCount"].astype(str) 
    col2 = df["TotalRevenue"].astype(str)
    df['Rank'] = (col1+col2).astype(int).rank(method='dense', ascending=False).astype(int)

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