If I have the following models:
class Conversation extends RealmObject {
RealmList<Message> messages;
class Message extends RealmObject {
long timestamp;
How can I say: give me all Conversations
with the list of Message
sorted, and the Conversations
are sorted by the top item in messages?
I don't know, how achieve required result in your database scheme and without join operations (not supported yet1).
But it can be achieved, if your database scheme will be migrated to this model:
class Conversation extends RealmObject {
long id;
public Long getId() {
return id;
class Message extends RealmObject {
long timestamp;
long conversationId;
public long getConversationId() {
return conversationId;
Take note: using suggested models you need manually check for references consistency of "message -> conversation" relation.
Next, you can take required result by code below:
SortedSet<Message> sortedMessagesSet = new TreeSet<>(new Comparator<Message>() {
public int compare(Message message1, Message message2) {
return (int) (message2.timestamp - message1.timestamp);
List<Conversation> emptyConversations = new ArrayList<>();
// take "top" messages of each conversation
for (Conversation conversation : realm.where(Conversation.class).findAll()) {
RealmResults<Message> sortedMessages = realm.where(Message.class).
equalTo("conversationId", conversation.getId()).
findAllSorted("timestamp", Sort.DESCENDING);
// append latest (by time) message to the sorted messages set
if (!sortedMessages.isEmpty()) sortedMessagesSet.add(sortedMessages.first());
// remember conversations without messages
else emptyConversations.add(conversation);
List<Conversation> sortedConversations = new ArrayList<>(sortedMessagesSet.size() + emptyConversations.size());
// take conversations sorted by messages
for (Message message : sortedMessagesSet)
equalTo("id", message.getConversationId()).findFirst());
// append empty conversations to the end
1. Current version of realm is 2.3.0