I need to apply some complex logic for creating map so i have used custom type converter as below:
I am using fluentassertions in unit testing and want to assert that ConsumerRequest has RequestConverter applied but not sure how to do it, I think I should be able to right an extension method which will assert the same with some message but not sure how to achieve this, any help will be really appreciated.
Created a extension method on IMapper as below:
public static AutoMapperTypeConverterAssertions<TDestinationModel>ForType<TDestinationModel>(this IMapper subject)
return new AutoMapperTypeConverterAssertions<TDestinationModel>(subject);
public class AutoMapperTypeConverterAssertions<TDestinationModel> : ReferenceTypeAssertions<object, AutoMapperTypeConverterAssertions<TDestinationModel>>
public AutoMapperTypeConverterAssertions(object subject)
Subject = subject;
protected override string Context => "auto mapper type converter";
public AndConstraint<AutoMapperTypeConverterAssertions<TDestinationModel>> ShouldHaveTypeConverterApplied<TSourceModel, TConverterType>(
string because = "", params object[] becauseArgs)
var mapper = Subject as IMapper;
var foundTypeInConfig = mapper
.FindTypeMapFor<TSourceModel, TDestinationModel>()
.BecauseOf(because, becauseArgs)
.ForCondition(foundTypeInConfig == typeof(TConverterType))
.FailWith("Expected the mapping for {0} to contain {1} AutoMapper Type Converter, but was not found.", typeof(TDestinationModel).Name, typeof(TConverterType).Name);
return new AndConstraint<AutoMapperTypeConverterAssertions<TDestinationModel>>(this);