
Recurly returning validation error

I'm trying to use the Recurly php client library to integrate the service into a PHP platform and I'm running into an error that doesn't seem to make sense.

I've created a form as described here which gets a token that submits it to my code below to create the actual account and subscription. In my controller, I have the below code:

protected function _actionAdd($context)
    $viewer = get_viewer();
    $plan = $this->getService('repos:subscriptions.plan')->fetch($context->data->get('plan'));

    try {
        $recurlySubscription = new Recurly_Subscription();
        $recurlySubscription->plan_code = $plan->code; // "test-plan"

        $recurlySubscription->account = new Recurly_Account();
        $recurlySubscription->account->account_code = $viewer->id;
        $recurlySubscription->account->first_name = $context->data->get('first_name');
        $recurlySubscription->account->last_name = $context->data->get('last_name');
        $recurlySubscription->account->email = $viewer->email;

        $recurlySubscription->account->billing_info = new Recurly_BillingInfo();
        $recurlySubscription->account->billing_info->token_id = $context->data->get('recurly-token');


    } catch( Recurly_ValidationError $e) {
        print "Invalid Account: $e";


Most of the above code is from the provided example here. The form includes the plan id in the plan property which I then look up the plan code from my own database along with the current user's information.

For some reason, I'm getting the following error:

Invalid Account: exception 'Recurly_ValidationError' with message 'Currency is not included in the list, currency not accepted by site, unit amount in cents is not a number.'

I've looked over test-plan and my site settings numerous times. Both are set to USD as the default currency and I have no idea why unit amount in cents would matter since I'm not even dealing with it. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.


  • For some reason, you're expected to include the currency of the subscription even though it's not specified in the example. Including the below fixes the issue.

    $recurlySubscription->currency = 'USD';