
Google Cloud and Appengine Python Package conflict

I'm going through google's appengine tutorials and made the simple example of posting a form ans retrieving the information. Through the tutorial steps I had to install Google Cloud SDK with the appengine libs.

It works fine.

One step forward I pip installed "google-cloud" package, to retrieve a file from Google Storage.

After installed both google cloud packages,when trying a simple import from my file as:

from import storage

I get the error:

ImportError: No module named

Printing google.__path__ I can see the correct path to both packages:


What am I missing here?

Running python from the terminal in the same virtualenv I can import google.clou packages without problem. The error message appears only when I run it using


  • The problem was that I installed Google Cloud SDK using the Linux tar.gz package instead of the Debian/Ubuntu installation procedure.

    Somehow the tar.gz package messed up my python path. Creating a new environment solved.