
Is there a way to pull vendor creation date in Dynamics NAV 2016?

The business has a request for auditing to pull a list of all newly created vendors in NAV 2016 for a given period. I was unable to locate an entry creation date or added date for the vendor table. Is this possible? I'm currently supplying the business with the [Last Modified Date] which includes when a vendor has been added OR updated, but they want to only pull newly added.

My current code:

SELECT  CAST([Last Date Modified] AS DATE) AS 'Last Date Modified'
      ,[Search Name]
      ,[Address 2]
      ,[Vendor Posting Group]
      ,[Country_Region Code]
      ,[Post Code]
      ,[Vendor Type Code]
  FROM [Company].[dbo].[Company$Vendor]
  WHERE YEAR([Last Date Modified]) = '2016'
  and MONTH([Last Date Modified]) IN ('10','11','12')
ORDER BY [Last Date Modified]


  • If you do have the change log active, the following is a basic query that will get you all insertions to the vendor table:

     cle.[Primary Key]AS Vendor
    , cle.[New Value] 
    , ven.Name
    , CAST(cle.[Date and Time] AS DATE) AS LogDate
    , CAST(cle.Time AS TIME(0)) AS LogTime 
    , cle.[Field No_]
    , cle.[Type of Change]
    , cle.[User ID]
     FROM dbo.[YourCompany$Change Log Entry] cle
      left outer JOIN dbo.YourCompany$Vendor ven
      ON cle.[Primary Key] = ven.No_ 
      cle.[Table No_] = 23
      and cle.[Field No_] = 1  
     AND cle.[Type of Change] = 0
     ORDER BY LogDate, LogTime, Vendor

    I'm also preparing a blog post on the change log which should be out next week.