I Encrypt and Decrypt Data with Key and Iv, and encryepted UserName.(create a key and iv for each user register on my site) so i need to specify key and iv for decrypt each username
GetRolesForUser method in RoleProvider only have one parameter (username)
public override string[] GetRolesForUser(string username)
var roles = (from u in db.Users
join r in db.Roles on u.RoleId equals r.Id
where u.UserName == username
select r.RoleNameInSystem).ToArray();
return roles;
Above code work fine but when data are not encrypted.
But for Decrypt username need to Key and Iv each user
I have no idea for solution
I found the solution, in controller i access to Key and Iv ,when user login on my site i encrypt user name and pass to FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie
,The task of this method is send username to RoleProvider class (GetRolesForUser method).
It is important to note that: User.Identity.Name return Encrypted username