I want to create a corresponding textarea along with a handstontable, such that modifying the table has impact to the text, and vice-versa. Here is a JSBin.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://handsontable.github.io/ngHandsontable/node_modules/angular/angular.js"></script>
<script src="https://docs.handsontable.com/pro/1.8.2/bower_components/handsontable-pro/dist/handsontable.full.js"></script>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="https://docs.handsontable.com/pro/1.8.2/bower_components/handsontable-pro/dist/handsontable.full.min.css">
<script src="https://handsontable.github.io/ngHandsontable/dist/ngHandsontable.js"></script>
<body ng-app="app">
<div ng-controller="Ctrl">
<hot-table settings="settings" on-after-create-row="onAfterCreateRow" datarows="dataJson"></hot-table>
<textarea cols=40 rows=20 ng-model="dataString"></textarea>
var app = angular.module('app', ['ngHandsontable']);
app.controller('Ctrl', ['$scope', '$filter', 'hotRegisterer', function ($scope, $filter, hotRegisterer) {
$scope.dataJson = [[5, 6], [7, 8]];
$scope.onAfterCreateRow = function (index, amount) {
$scope.$watch('dataJson', function (dataJson_new) {
$scope.dataString = $filter('json')(dataJson_new);
}, true);
$scope.$watch('dataString', function (dataString_new) {
try {
$scope.dataJson = JSON.parse(dataString_new);
} catch (e) {
}, true);
$scope.settings = {
contextMenu: true,
contextMenuCopyPaste: {
swfPath: 'zeroclipboard/dist/ZeroClipboard.swf'
However, one thing I realise is that, adding/deleting rows/columns will NOT fire the watcher of dataJSON
(whereas modifying a cell value will do). So I have to use $scope.$digest()
in the callbacks such as onAfterCreateRow
to reflect the change of adding rows. But it raises Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'forceFullRender' of null
Having $scope.$digest()
in other callbacks (i.e., onAfterCreateCol
, onAfterRemoveRow
and onAfterRemoveCol
) will raise the same error. I think it is a serious problem, if we cannot well trigger the digest cycle in these callback events. Does anyone know how to solve this or have any workaround?
The $timeout
was a workaround in some older versions of angular currently, you can use $applyAsync
that was created to replace the $timeout as workaround and work for the cases where you would get an error $digest already in progress