I'm looking for a good guide with sequenced and detailed steps for installing Perl Strawberry, MySQL, and DBD::mysql on Windows XP.
The main goal I want to accomplish here is to have the ability to create databases and perform regular actions against them via Perl Strawberry using DBD::mysql
I've found this so far, but it's a little out-dated and I don't want to go through all that just to find out that it doesn't work.
The furthest I've gotten on my own (on another computer) is getting Perl Strawberry installed and to work properly, getting MySQL installed, and ATTEMPT to use cpan DBD::mysql
to install the module (which failed because it couldn't find MySQL - I also tried the --with-mysql=C:\path\to\mysql
option it suggests, but that does't work for me)
AFAIK, recent versions of Strawberry come bundled with DBD::mysql
In addition, Strawberry Perl provides ppm
to install precompiled binary packages.