I am unable to create file in externalFilesDir using below mathod in blackberry OS android.
request.setDestinationInExternalFilesDir(this, "Update", "File.apk");
When i checked the folder than folder doesn't have read/write permission in Blackberry passport.
/Android/data/com.xy.yz/files/Update this should be created but when i saw the folder is has only /Android/data/com.xy.yz and m not able to create any file or folder inside that
I have fix the issue. I don't know what is issue but when i trying to download inside the folder its give me file read/write permission issue.
But if i want to download in root directory like downloads then i will not giving me any error.
I have the code of path to download
request.setDestinationInExternalPublicDir(Environment.DIRECTORY_DOWNLOADS, "xyz.apk");