I'm trying to render json-views from a result of a polymorphic query. With object marshallers, it works perfectly, but not with grails3 json-views. I tried all sort of things, it seems like a bug in json-views plugin.
Here is an example to clarify the problem:
class Content {
String text
class BlogEntry extends Content {
URL url
class Book extends Content {
String ISBN
And in contentController :
class ContentController extends RestfulController<Content> {
static responseFormats = ['json', 'xml']
ContentController() {
def index(Integer max) {
println '*CONTENT:INDEX*'
def contents= Content.findAll()
respond contents
json views:
// /content/index.gson
model {
Iterable<Content> contentList
json tmpl.content(contentList ?: [])
// /content/_content.gson
model {
Content content
json g.render(content)
I get an empty result from the controller's index method. i'm using grails 3.2.0.RC2 with views-json:1.1.0.RC3
With custom object-marshallers, i can get json result by subclass type (BlogEntry, Book) which is the result expected.
Resolved in grails-views v1.1.3.