Can someone give a code example of an association UML relationship (one way arrow ->) that is neither an aggregation nor a composition?
I understand that aggregation and composition are types of associations, but I cannot think of an association relationship that is not an aggregation or a composition.
Can the following code be just an association relationship from A->B, but not aggregation or composition under certain conditions?
import B;
public class A {
private B b;
According to Robert Martin:
An Association represents the ability of one instance to send a message to another instance. This is typically implemented with a pointer or reference instance variable, although it might also be implemented as a method argument, or the creation of a local variable.
The code:
public class A {
private B b;
can represent either association, aggregation or composition. It represents a mere association as long as A doesn't have a "HAS-A" relationship with B. For instance, the following could be an association, but not an aggregation or composition relationship.
public class Vehicle {
private Person owner;