I am tasked with adding a QR code generating feature to Moodle Mobile. But I have no idea where to start as I have little knowledge of Javascript.
The below image (see link) shows a quick sketch of how I want the mobile app to look like (the image is captured from PC Firefox)
In this case I want to:
Add a "QR Code" button to the menu bar.
When clicked, will take the user to a QR Code "Page" in which the user can enter a string then see the corresponding QR code generated immediately.
I have already done the QR code segment which is by davidshimjs
I tried inspecting elements using Firefox but I cannot find where do I "add a button" to the menu bar, not to mention where do I add a new "page" to the app. So I would like to know how do I integrate the QR code functionality into the Moodle app (add the button + connect to the QR code page)? Do I need to create a new plugin and how do I do that?
Your help is much appreciated.
The menu bar should be located in /www/core/components/sidemenu/templates/menu.html, there you could simply add a new entry, like
<a menu-close class="item item-icon-left" ng-href="{{siteinfo.siteurl}}" mm-link auto-login="yes" title="{{ 'mm.sidemenu.website' | translate}}">
<i class="icon ion-earth"></i>{{ 'mm.sidemenu.website' | translate}}
Nevertheless, getting the QR stuff inside your app would require some advanced knowledge of the app and Angular JS. I wrote already some Angular desktop applications, but still I did not find any time to work on Moodle mobile, since it would take some time to get into it.
So easiest workaround for you would maybe: