how to remove decimal places in kendo chart y-axis

I am trying to remove kendo chart "Y-Axis decimal place" after pannable & Zoom in/ out

Actual chart loaded enter image description here

After zoom in & pannable enter image description here

How can i remove the decimal values from the y-axis, i tried to set the "Y - axis label format.. but its don't works"

Code i tried

        "chartArea": { "background": "#FFFEFC" },
        "renderAs": "canvas", "title": { "text": "p1" },
        "legend": { "labels": { "template": "#= #" }, "position": "top" },
        "series": [{
            "name": "Male", "type": "line",
            "data": [35171, 36663, 30247, 36479, 34025, 37142, 37295, 36054, 38076, 37725, 34716, 39620, 38296],
            "stack": false, "labels": { "format": "{0:n0}", "visible": true, "position": "above" },
            "style": "smooth"
        }, {
            "name": "Female", "type": "line",
            "data": [34295, 32586, 36872, 35556, 38839, 36932, 34039, 35055, 35429, 35689, 34528, 31777, 33405],
            "stack": false, "labels": { "format": "{0:n0}", "visible": true, "position": "above" },
            "style": "smooth"
        }], "categoryAxis": [{
            "labels": { "rotation": { "angle": "auto" } },
            "majorGridLines": { "width": 1, "color": "#dfdfdf", "visible": false },
            "line": { "visible": true },
            "title": { "text": "years", "position": "left" },
            "categories": ["2008", "2007", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012", "2013", "2014", "2015", "2017", "2016", "2018", "2019"]
        }], "valueAxis": [{ "majorGridLines": { "visible": false } }],
        "transitions": false,
        "tooltip": { "template": "#= #: #= kendo.format(\u0027{0:n0}\u0027,value)  #", "visible": true },
        "pannable": true, "zoomable": true


  • Issue has been resolved after adding this

    .ValueAxis(axis => axis.Numeric()
                       .Labels(labels => labels.Format("{0:0}"))