This used to work before I updated to Swift 3, but I don't think this is really coming from this. Here is my problem:
I would like to create a Dropbox sharable link from my Swift app as follow:
client.sharing.createSharedLinkWithSettings(path: myPath).response { response, error in
if let link = response {
// share the link
} else {
but this is the error I get:
[request-id 431f08cc7e243504a437cec661247dd2] API route error - {
".tag" = "email_not_verified";
and I don't really understand how should I verify the email. I can log in with dropbox, I authorised the app, I can write files and folders, etc.
I didn't received a verification email on my device. I tried with a different account and received this verification email from dropbox.