I have a text file that looks like this:
The first two lines are the dimensions of the data, for this particular example there are 3 rows of data and 777 columns (or values in each row).
I need to read in this data into Matlab and store the result as an integer array. ie. My array would be 3 rows x 777 columns and look like this:
H = [
1 0 0 0 ...
0 1 0 0 ...
0 0 1 0 ...
I'm having problems reading in the data using the specific dimensions and also picking off the first two values from the file. What I did to try and read just the data and not the dimensions was just deleted the first two lines but I would prefer to not do this. I pasted the code I have tried below, I tried two different methods without getting the desired result:
% Method 1
H = textread('myTextFile.txt', '%s');
ncols = size(H, 1);
nrows = size(H{1}, 2);
H = reshape(sscanf([H{:}], '%1d'), ncols,nrows);
% Method 2
fid = fopen('myTextFile.txt', 'r');
H = textscan(fid,'%777s');
I would use fopen
, feof
, fgetl
, str2double
and two loops, to design a piece of code that suits your specific problem:
% Open file.
fid = fopen('myTextFile.txt', 'r');
% Initialize row index for H.
a = 1;
% Initialize number of line counter for file.
nline = 1;
% Test for end-of-file.
while ~feof(fid)
% Read line from file as string.
line = fgetl(fid);
% Test for number of line geater than 2.
if(nline > 2)
% Loop through every character from the string.
% b is column index for H.
for b = 1:length(line)
% Extract char from the string, convert it to double and store it in H.
H(a, b) = str2double(line(b));
% Increase row index for H.
a = a + 1;
% Increase number of line counter.
nline = nline + 1;
% Close file.