
Qt: How do I get the currently running window?

I'm writing a test app which simulates key presses and I would like to get what window is displayed after each key presses. Here's the code block.

std::auto_ptr<MyForm> pForm(new MyForm(3,3)); 
QTest::keyPress(pForm.get(), Qt::Key_0); 

After pressing 0 here, A window is gonna show up and I would like to check what window it is so I could QCompare/evaluate it later.

Any Ideas?


I'm getting a segmentation fault when I use

std::auto_ptr<MyForm> pForm(new MyForm(3,3)); 
QTest::keyPress(pForm.get(), Qt::Key_0); 
QWidget *pWin = QApplication::activeWindow();
QCOMPARE(pWin->windowTitle(), QString("My Second Menu"));


  • If all your windows have been created through your application, you can use the QApplication class. By example, the activeWindow() function returns the widget that have the input focus. But there's a lot of other functions that can help you.

    Hope that helps