
Cant set pageSize limit in yii2 rest or activeDataProvider

I cant set value of ActiveDataProvider (pagination) pageSize in rest app in order to change items in per page. This is my sample code in controller

class EndpointController extends ActiveController
public $modelClass = 'common\models\Endpoint';
//     public $serializer = [
//         'class' => 'yii\rest\Serializer',
//         'collectionEnvelope' => 'items',
    // //         'metaEnvelope' => false
//     ];
public function init()
    \Yii::$app->user->enableSession = false;
    \Yii::$app->user->loginUrl = null;
public function behaviors()
    $behaviors = parent::behaviors();
    $behaviors['authenticator'] = [
        'class' => QueryParamAuth::className(),
        'tokenParam' => 'access_token',
    return $behaviors;
protected function verbs()
    $verbs = parent::verbs();
    unset($verbs['update'], $verbs['create'], $verbs['delete'],         $verbs['view'], $verbs['index'][1]);
//         $verbs['index'][] = 'POST';
    return $verbs;

public function actions()
    $actions = parent::actions();
    unset($actions['update'], $actions['create'], $actions['delete'], $actions['view'], $actions['options']);
    return $actions;
public function prepareDataProvider()
//         $activData = new ActiveDataProvider([
//             'query' => Endpoint::find(),
//             'pagination' => [
//                 'pageSize' => 2,
//             ]
//         ]);
//         return $activData;

public function actionIndex()
//         $activData = new ActiveDataProvider([
//             'query' => Endpoint::find(),
//             'pagination' => [
//                 'pageSize' => 2,
//             ]
//         ]);
    //         return $activData;

My model has basic template and I tested all solution on internet before but i had no effect


  • I found the solution by answer JamesLeon commennted on github