I just made a fool of myself: I wanted to trace the execution of a process, and in order to do this, I had written a function trace()
, which contains the following line of code:
printf("%s[%s:%d], %s\n", __FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, s_message);
I hoped to see in which function I was, what file and what line within that file, but I just saw that information of the file where I programmed that trace()
Is it possible, is there some #define
or so, to tell the C compiler to take the mentioned macros from the parent of the calling function?
You need to wrap it in a macro, e.g.:
void _trace(char const *function,
char const *file,
long line,
char const *message)
printf("%s[%s:%ld], %s\n", function, file, line, message);
#define trace(message) _trace(__FUNCTION__, __FILE__, __LINE__, (message))