I want to integrate ccavenue to my hybrid app that I am building on Ionic but I am unable to find any example or code or any other thing which can be helpful in this. Plz let me know if you have any information regarding this.
Update: Ccavenue didn't work for me even with the iframe because iframe can only work on the registered domain (ie. www.example.com) and not any other place so I left it and choose the Razorpay Payment gateway because it provides official support for Ionic/Cordova.
Here is the sample app. https://github.com/razorpay/razorpay-cordova-sample-app
Finally I was able to integrate CCavenue on my Ionic app. You have to do the following
ionic serve
, ask the ccavenue support to whitelist that ip and also port 8100
or whatever your app is using. inappbrowser plugin
is installed in the ionic
now you have to submit the payment form to another window by using this methodI hope it will help many.