I was expecting it to be the union of all changes between 2 versions. (using vestal versions 1.0.2)
ruby-1.8.7-p174 > contact.version
=> 12
ruby-1.8.7-p174 > contact.latest_approved_version
=> 8
ruby-1.8.7-p174 > contact.changes
=> {}
ruby-1.8.7-p174 > contact.versions.last.changes
=> {"first_name"=>["I changed this one baby", "AdminF"]}
ruby-1.8.7-p174 > contact.changes_between(8,12)
=> {}
ruby-1.8.7-p174 > contact.changes_between(9,12)
=> {"deleted"=>[true, false]}
ruby-1.8.7-p174 > contact.changes_between(10,12)
=> {}
ruby-1.8.7-p174 > contact.changes_between(11,12)
=> {"first_name"=>["I changed this one baby", "AdminF"]}
As you can see no changes between 8 and 12, but changes between some of them.
The weird thing is I swear this was working yesterday!
Here is the method vestal is using, im not sure what the problem is:
def changes_between(from, to)
from_number, to_number = versions.number_at(from), versions.number_at(to)
return {} if from_number == to_number
chain = versions.between(from_number, to_number).reject(&:initial?)
return {} if chain.empty?
backward = from_number > to_number
backward ? chain.pop : chain.shift unless from_number == 1 || to_number == 1
chain.inject({}) do |changes, version|
changes.append_changes!(backward ? version.changes.reverse_changes : version.changes)
It is possible that there is nothing wrong with the example you provided. If for example there are no differences between version 8 and 12. Even though there has been changes in version 9, 10 and 11, the method changes_between will not show any changes if the model's attributes has been reverted to the same values.
I think the easiest way to verify that is to check:
>> contact.revert_to(8)
=> "8"
>> contact.inspect
=> "#<Contact ... >"
>> contact.revert_to(12)
=> "12"
>> contact.inspect
=> "#<Contact ... >"
And then compare the output. I can't think of any other reason for the result you described.
By the way, the call you made to "last_approved_version", is that something you manually added to your model or is it something built-in in vestal_versions? Because I also use the 1.0.2 vestal_version and I can't find any reference to that. So if it really is something built-in then we probably have different forks of vestal_version and that might be the cause...