
Run xmlaccess command locally against remote portal server

I'm trying to run xmlaccess from my computer and websphere portal server is installed on different machine connected over lan with mine. I did all the configuration of adding jar files on my computer and then running the xmlaccess command with required parameters. but i keeps on giving the same output and doesn't create an output file.I have copied all the jar files as given on ibm knowledge centre.

this is command i give and the output i get everytime, when running the same command on the machine where websphere is installed, it creates the output file and works all fine

C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\deployment>xmlaccess -in C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\deploymen
t\ExportAllPortlets.xml -url -out Exporte
dWebModules.xml -user ****** -password ******
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EJPXB0001I: Command line parameters:
         -in <xml input file>
        [-user <user name>]
                Will be queried over the console, if omitted
        [-password <password>]
                Will be queried over the console, if omitted
        [-useEncryptedCredentials <file>]
                Retrieve user name and password from properties file. Update fil
e with encrypted password.
                Do not save encrypted password back to properties file.
        [-out <output file>]
                default: write to stdout
        [-url <portal config URL>]
                default: http://localhost/wps/config
        [-attempts <max. connection attempts>]
                default: 1 attempt, no retries
        [-truststore <file name of the trust store for HTTPS>]
                default: $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts
        [-trustpwd <password for the trust store for HTTPS>]
                default: <empty>
        [-trusttype <file type of the trust store for HTTPS>]
                default: jks
        [-keystore <file name of the key store for HTTPS>]
                default: $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts
        [-keypwd <password for the key store for HTTPS>]
                default: <empty>
        [-keytype <file type of the key store for HTTPS>]
                default: jks
                enables export and import of credential secrets
        [-protocol <protocol>]
                selects the protocol (if portal config URL
                specified https:, otherwise this parameter is ignored).
                default: SSL
        [-encryptionPassphrase <passphrase>]
                passphrase for credential encryption and decryption


  • try putting it in a non virtualized directory, like c:\xmlaccess instead of on the desktop.

    create a folder in that directory called plugins Please these jars in there bootstrap.jar, com.ibm.ffdc.jar, com.ibm.ws.emf.jar, com.ibm.ws.runtime.jar, j2ee.jar, org.eclipse.emf.common.jar, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.jar, wp.base.jar, wp.engine.impl.jar, wp.utilities.streams.jar,wp.xml.client.jar

    I was using a 1.8 jdk Then set up your bat file like this

    @echo off
    set WAS_HOME=C:\xmlacess\plugins
    set cpath=%WAS_HOME%\com.ibm.ws.runtime.jar
    set cpath=%cpath%;%WAS_HOME%\bootstrap.jar
    set cpath=%cpath%;%WAS_HOME%\com.ibm.ws.emf.jar
    set cpath=%cpath%;%WAS_HOME%\org.eclipse.emf.ecore.jar
    set cpath=%cpath%;%WAS_HOME%\org.eclipse.emf.common.jar
    %JAVA% -classpath c:\xmlaccess\plugins\wp.xml.client.jar;%WAS_HOME%\wp.base.jar;%WAS_HOME%\wp.engine.impl.jar;%WAS_HOME%\wp.utilities.streams.jar;%WAS_HOME%\j2ee.jar;%WAS_HOME%\com.ibm.ffdc.jar;%cpath% com.ibm.wps.xmlaccess.XmlAccess %*