
Nested Objects with Meteor Simpleschema

I'm new to Meteor and am trying to use SimpleSchema /Autoforms in an app I am building. When a user creates a Group, they fill out a group name, description, and location (address). Behind the scenes they are added as the first member of the group, and the address will be converted into lat/lng values soon.

When I try saving this, location and members[0] are empty objects.


Groups = new Mongo.Collection('groups');
Groups.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({
groupName: {
    type: String,
    label: "Group Name",
    max: 200
createdBy: {
    type: String,
    autoform: {
        omit: true
members: {
    type: [{
        _id: {type: String},
        firstName: {type: String},
        lastName: {type: String}
    label: "Group Members",
    autoform: {
        omit: true
location: {
    type: {
        address: {type: String},
        lat: {type: String},
        lng: {type: String}
    label: "Location"
description: {
    type: String,
    label: "Group Description",
    max: 250,
    optional: true

Insert Form:{
'submit form': function(e) {
    console.log('submitting form..');

    var group = {
        groupName: $('[name=groupName]').val(),
        createdBy: Meteor.userId(),
        members: [{
            _id: Meteor.userId(),
            firstName: Meteor.user().profile.firstName,
            lastName: Meteor.user().profile.lastName
        location: setLocation($('[name=location]').val()),
        description: $('[name=description]').val()

    function setLocation(location) {
        return {
            location: location,
            lat: 123,
            lng: 123
    var groupId = Groups.insert(group);
    Router.go('/group/' + groupId);

I've seen some similar questions posted to Stack Overflow about this, but the data always seems more obfuscated from the problem at hand. Am I missing something obvious?


  • You want to nest an actual schema instead of a plain object:

    Groups = new Mongo.Collection('groups');
    const memberTypes = new SimpleSchema({
      _id: {type: String},
      firstName: {type: String},
      lastName: {type: String}
    const locationType = new SimpleSchema({
      address: {type: String},
      lat: {type: String},
      lng: {type: String}
    Groups.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({
      groupName: {
        type: String,
        label: "Group Name",
        max: 200
      createdBy: {
        type: String,
        autoform: {
            omit: true
      members: {
        type: [memberTypes],
        label: "Group Members",
        autoform: {
            omit: true
      location: {
        type: locationType,
        label: "Location"
      description: {
        type: String,
        label: "Group Description",
        max: 250,
        optional: true