I have a function f :: [a] -> b
that operates on infinite lists (e.g. take 5
, takeWhile (< 100) . scanl (+) 0
and so on). I want to feed this function with values generated by strict monadic actions (e.g. randomIO
From this question, I've learned that the repeat
and sequence
trick approach does not work for strict monads, as the example below show:
import Control.Monad.Identity
take 5 <$> sequence (repeat $ return 1) :: Identity [Int]
-- returns `Identity [1,1,1,1,1]`
-- works because Identity is non-strict
take 5 <$> sequence (repeat $ return 1) :: IO [Int]
-- returns `*** Exception: stack overflow`
-- does not work because IO is strict
So, instead, I thought about using the function "inside" the monadic context. I was inspired by this circular programming example and tried:
let loop = do
x <- return 1
(_, xs) <- loop
return (take 5 xs, x:xs)
in fst loop :: Identity [Int]
-- Overflows the stack
import Control.Monad.Fix
fst <$> mfix (\(_, xs) -> do
x <- return 1
return (take 5 xs, x:xs)) :: Identity [Int]
-- Overflows the stack
and even
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
import System.Random
loop' = mdo
(xs', xs) <- loop xs
return xs'
where loop xs = do
x <- randomIO
return (take 5 xs, x:xs)
print $ loop'
-- Returns a list of 5 identical values
But none of these works. I also tried a Conduit
approach which did not work either even in the Identity
import Conduit
runConduitPure $ yieldMany [1..] .| sinkList >>= return . take 5
Therefore I would like to know:
Why none of the "circular" approaches above work?
If there exists a solution to this that does not involve unsafeInterleaveIO
. (maybe iteratee
s, Arrow
I am using randomIO here just for simplicity of the examples. In practice, I would like to process messages received via sockets
That is not possible without unsafeInterleaveIO
. The problem at the end of the day is that IO
actions must be sequenced. While the order of evaluation for referentially transparent values doesn't matter, that of IO
actions may. If you want a lazy infinite list of all the messages received over a socket, you have to inform Haskell a priori where in the sequence of IO
actions this fits (unless you use unsafeInterleaveIO
The Arrow
abstraction you are seeking is called ArrowLoop
, but it too has a problem with the right tightening law for strict monads.
At first sight, it may look like MonadFix
(manifested via mdo
or mfix
) is a solution too, but digging a bit deeper shows that fixIO
has problems, just like loop
from ArrowLoop
However, sometimes the restriction that IO
actions must be run one after another is a bit excessive and that is what unsafeInterleaveIO
is for. Quoting the docs
computation to be deferred lazily. When passed a value of typeIO a
, theIO
will only be performed when the value of thea
is demanded.
Now, even if you explicitly said that you didn't want an unsafeInterleaveIO
solution, as I have hopefully managed to convince you it is the way to go, here it is:
interweavingRepeatM :: IO a -> IO [a]
interweavingRepeatM action = unsafeInterleaveIO ((:) <$> action <*> interweavingRepeatM action)
And here is is working for random numbers:
ghci> import System.Random
ghci> sourceOfRandomness <- interweavingRepeatM randomIO :: IO [Integer]
ghci> take 10 sourceOfRandomness