
How to mock EntityManager for phpUnit?

I am writing a Unit test for this class:


namespace AppBundle\Managers\CRUD;

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use CommonLibs\Interfaces\CrudManagerInterface;
use AppBundle\Entity\Pet;
use CommonLibs\Helpers\PaginatorHelper;
use AppBundle\Entity\Person;
use AppBundle\Managers\CRUD\PetManager;
use AppBundle\AppBundle;

class PersonManager extends CrudManagerInterface
     * @var EntityManager
    private $em;

     * @var PetManager
    private $petManager;

    public function __construct(EntityManager $em,PetManager $petManager)

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see \CommonLibs\Interfaces\CrudManagerInterface::search()
     * @return AppBundle\Entity\Person[]
    public function search(array $searchParams, array $order, $page, $limit)

        if(isset($searchParams[Person::NAME])) {

            $queryBuilder->andWhere(' LIKE :name')->setParameter('name','%'.$searchParams[Person::NAME].'%');


        if( $petNameSearch || $petTypeSearch ) {


            if($petNameSearch) {

                $queryBuilder->andWhere(' LIKE :pet_name')->setParameter('pet_name','%'.$searchParams[Pet::NAME].'$');

            if($petTypeSearch) {

                if(!is_array($searchParams[Pet::TYPE])) {

                $queryBuilder->andWhere('pe.type IN (:pet_types)')->setParameter('pet_types',$searchParams[Pet::TYPE]);

             * @var Doctrine\ORM\Query

            if((int)$limit>0) {


            return $results;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see \CommonLibs\Interfaces\CrudManagerInterface::getById()
     * @return AppBundle\Entity\Person
    public function getById($id)
        return $this->em->getManager('AppBundle:Person')->findById($id);

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see \CommonLibs\Interfaces\CrudManagerInterface::add()
     * @param array $dataToAdd 
     * $dataToAdd Must have one of the follofiwng formats:
     * FORMAT 1:
     * [
     *  Person:NAME=>"value"
     * ]
     * FORMAT 2:
     * [
     *  [
     *      Person:NAME=>"value"
     *  ],
     *  [
     *      Person:NAME=>"value"
     *  ],
     *  [
     *      Person:NAME=>"value"
     *  ]
     * ]
     * @return AppBundle\Entiry\Person[] with the modified persons
    public function add(array $dataToAdd)
         * @var AppBundle\Entiry\Person $insertedPersons

        foreach($dataToAdd as $key=>$data) {

            $personToInsert=new Person();

            if(is_array($data)) {   


                if($personToInsert==false) {
                    return false;

            } elseif(!$this->setReference($personToInsert,$key,$data)) {

            if(is_array($personToInsert)) {
            } else {

        if(!empty($insertedPersons)) {

        return $insertedPersons;

     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see \CommonLibs\Interfaces\CrudManagerInterface::edit()
    public function edit(array $changedData)

        foreach($changedData as $id => $fieldsToChange) {

            foreach($fieldsToChange as $fieldName=>$fieldValue){


     * {@inheritDoc}
     * @see \CommonLibs\Interfaces\CrudManagerInterface::delete()
     * @param array changedData
     * Should contain data in the following formats:
     * FORMAT 1:
     * [
     *  Person::ID=>^an_id^
     *  Person::NAME=>^a name of a person^
     * ]
     * FORMAT2:
     * [
     *  Person::ID=>[^an_id1^,^an_id2^,^an_id3^...,^an_idn^]
     *  Person::NAME=>^a name of a person^
     * ]
     * The $changedData MUST contain at least one of Person::ID or Person::NAME.
     * Therefore you can ommit one of Person::ID or Person::NAME but NOT both.
    public function delete(array $changedData)



        if(isset($changedData[Person::ID])) {

            if(!is_array($changedData[Person::ID])) {

            $queryBuilder->where(' IN (:id)')->bindParam('id',$changedData[Person::ID]);


        if(isset($changedData[Person::NAME])) {
            $queryBuilder->orWhere(' is :name')->bindParam('name',$changedData[Person::NAME]);

        if($canDelete) {

        return $canDelete;

     * Set referencing fields to person.
     * @param AppBundle\Entiry\Person $item The item to set the reference
     * @param string $referencingKey A string that Indicates the input field.
     *  The strings for the param above are defined as constants at AppBundle\Entiry\Person.
     * @param mixed $referencingValue The value of referencing key
     * @return boolean
    private function setReference($item,$referencingKey,$referencingValue)
         * @var AppBundle\Entity\Pet $pet

        if($referencingKey===Person::PET) {

            if(is_numeric($referencingValue)) {//Given pet id

                $pet=$this->petManager->getById($referencingValue);//Searching pet by id

            } elseif (is_object($referencingValue) 
                      && $referencingValue instanceof AppBundle\Entity\Pet 
            ){//Given directly a pet Object




            return true;

        return false;


And I want to Mock up the Doctrine's entity Manager. But I do not know what to return in order to successfully use the Doctrine's Query Builder but without an actual Database Connection.


  • Well, if you want really follow the best practices, you should not mock entity manager as you don't own it; you can read more at following links

    Ok, now, if you want to walk that road, you can mock EntityManager like you mock every other objects in PHPUnit

    if you work with PHPUnit >= 5.7 and PHP > 5.5

    $mockedEm = $this->createMock(EntityManager::class)

    or for PHP <= 5.5

    $mockedEm = $this->createMock('Doctrine\\ORM\\EntityManager');

    Once you mocked it, you have to declare all canned response and expectations: canned response in order to let your code work whereas expectations in order to let it to be a mock

    Just to make an example, this should be canned

    return $this->em->getManager('AppBundle:Person')->findById($id);

    As you can will see, declare a canned method for every method call could be very difficult and overkill; for instance, here, you should act that way

    $mockedEm = $this->createMock(EntityManager::class)
    $mockedPersonManager = $this->createMock(...);

    (of course you have to substitute ... with real values)

    Finally, remember that Mocks are not Stubs