Is the any way to get the number of files in a folder using Java? My question maybe looks simple, but I am new to this area in Java!
I saw the link in the comment. They didn't explained to omit the subfolders in the target folder. How to do that? How to omit sub folders and get files in a specified directory?
Any suggestions!!
One approach with pure Java would be:
int nFiles = new File(filename).listFiles().length;
Edit (after question edit):
You can exclude folders with a variant of listFiles() that accepts a FileFilter. The FileFilter accepts a File. You can test whether the file is a directory, and return false if it is.
int nFiles = new File(filename).listFiles( new MyFileFilter() ).length;
private static class MyFileFilter extends FileFilter {
public boolean accept(File pathname) {
return ! pathname.isDirectory();