
Use Storext (or just Virtus) with nested array or hash objects

I have a postgres DB backing my Rails app with a class with a jsonb column

class Product < AR::B
  include Storext.model(data: {})

  store_attributes :data do
    thing_one String
    thing_two Boolean # Not actually showing up in the `data` hash
    foos      FooCollection[Foo]

class FooCollection < Array
  def <<(obj)
    if Hash
      # Other coersions

class Foo
  include Storext.model

  attribute :id,                Integer
  attribute :price,             Float
  attribute :regular_price,     Float

But Foo in the terminal is returning undefined method after_initialize for Foo:Class

Is there a way to nest Storext models the same way it is with Virtus? And if so is there an idiomatic way to add validations on the nested classes? (Abandoning Storext, and a pure Virtus solution would also answer the question)

Maybe this is an A/B problem because I just included Virtus in FooCollection and it also disappeared from the data hash (which I consider weird since Storext is based on Virtus and can accept Virtus methods).


  • Storext was created to type-cast simple values only. I haven't played around storing complex objects in Virtus myself, and I'm still undecided whether or not that should be part of Storext. While it uses Virtus in the background, I don't think it should implement everything Virtus can do.

    A little late to the party, but I hope this helps.