activator new
results in:
Fetching the latest list of templates...
Browse the list of templates:
Choose from these featured templates or enter a template name:
1) minimal-akka-java-seed
2) minimal-akka-scala-seed
3) minimal-java
4) minimal-scala
5) play-java
6) play-scala
(hit tab to see a list of all templates)
The anatomy of play-java
and play-scala
looks as follows:
ls project-*/app
controllers filters services views
controllers filters Filters.scala Module.scala services views
According to this documentation:
You also have the option of using the default layout used by SBT and Maven. Please note that this layout is experimental and may have issues. In order to use this layout, you must disable the layout plugin and set up explicit monitoring for twirl templates:
build.sbt → Application build script
src → Application sources
└ main → Compiled asset sources
└ java → Java sources
└ controllers → Java controllers
└ models → Java business layer
└ scala → Scala sources
└ controllers → Scala controllers
└ models → Scala business layer
└ resources → Configurations files and other non-compiled resources (on classpath)
└ application.conf → Main configuration file
└ routes → Routes definition
Based on this answer one should combine the java and scala files? E.g.:
AsyncController.scala CountController.scala HomeController.scala
AsyncController.scala CountController.scala HomeController.scala
Is this the Play anatomy for combining java and scala classes or should a java and scala directory be created in the app/controllers folder?
The routes
file that resides in the scala and java project are identical:
# Routes
# This file defines all application routes (Higher priority routes first)
# ~~~~
# An example controller showing a sample home page
GET / controllers.HomeController.index
# An example controller showing how to use dependency injection
GET /count controllers.CountController.count
# An example controller showing how to write asynchronous code
GET /message controllers.AsyncController.message
# Map static resources from the /public folder to the /assets URL path
GET /assets/*file controllers.Assets.versioned(path="/public", file: Asset)
Just put your controllers
and models
folders into an app
folder, and put both scala and java files inside.
build.sbt → Application build script
app → Application sources
└ controllers → controllers (java or scala)
└ models → business layer (java or scala)
└ views
└ application.conf → Main configuration file
└ routes → Routes definition