I need to get two parameters from a URL, and they could potensially contain an & symbol or a space. as part of the search string.
Example: mysite.com?param1=Bower & Wilkins?param2=Speakers
I realize that Bower & Wilkins contains the obvious symbol for getting the second parameter, but can I replace it with something else?
When trying this function, can easily return a single parameter:
URL: mysite.com?param1=Bower%20&%20Wilkins
function getQueryStringValue(key) {
return decodeURIComponent(window.location.search.replace(new RegExp("^(?:.*[&\\?]" + encodeURIComponent(key).replace(/[\.\+\*]/g, "\\$&") + "(?:\\=([^]*))?)?.*$", "i"), "$1"));
var param1 = getQueryStringValue("param1"); // Bower & Wilkins
How can I get the second parameter and how must I construct the URL. Can I use another symbol than & for listing the second parameter?
What I need:
var param1 = getQueryStringValue("param1"); // Bower & Wilkins
var param2 = getQueryStringValue("param2"); // Speakers
The &
within the param needs to be encoded as %26
. This means you need to substitute
before running the parameters through encodeURI or use encodeURIComponent on the value.
The input should be "mysite.com?param1=Bower%20%26%20Wilkins¶m2=Speakers"
To get the result you could try something like this
function getQueryStringValue(url, key) {
var params = {};
var url_params = url.split("?", 2);
if (url_params.length > 1) {
var param_list = url_params[1].split("&");
param_list.map(function (param_str) {
var kv = param_str.split("=", 2);
params[kv[0]] = kv[1];
return (key in params)? decodeURIComponent(params[key]) : ''
var url = "mysite.com?param1=Bower%20%26%20Wilkins¶m2=Speakers";
console.log("Bower & Wilkins" === getQueryStringValue(url, "param1"));
console.log("Speakers" === getQueryStringValue(url, "param2"));
console.log("" === getQueryStringValue(url, "param3"));