
Getting current device language in iOS?

I'd like to show the current language that the device UI is using. What code would I use?

I want this as an NSString in fully spelled out format. (Not @"en_US")

EDIT: For those driving on by, there are a ton of useful comments here, as the answer has evolved with new iOS releases.


  • The solutions provided will actually return the current region of the device - not the currently selected language. These are often one and the same. However, if I am in North America and I set my language to Japanese, my region will still be English (United States). In order to retrieve the currently selected language, you can do:

    NSString * language = [[NSLocale preferredLanguages] firstObject];

    This will return a two letter code for the currently selected language. "en" for English, "es" for Spanish, "de" for German, etc. For more examples, please see this Wikipedia entry (in particular, the 639-1 column):

    List of ISO 639-1 codes

    Then it's a simple matter of converting the two letter codes to the string you would like to display. So if it's "en", display "English".


    Worth to quote the header information from NSLocale.h:

    + (NSArray *)preferredLanguages NS_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0); // note that this list does not indicate what language the app is actually running in; the [NSBundle mainBundle] object determines that at launch and knows that information

    People interested in app language take a look at @mindvision's answer