I've implemented the Push WebAPI in my web application using Service Worker as many articles explain on the web. Now I need to store some data inside IndexedDB to make them available while the web app is closed (chrome tab closed, service worker in background execution). In particular I would like to store a simple url from where retrieve the notification data (from server).
Here is my code:
self.addEventListener("push", (event) => {
console.log("[serviceWorker] Push message received", event);
notify({ event: "push" }); // This notifies the push service for handling the notification
var open = indexedDB.open("pushServiceWorkerDb", 1);
open.onsuccess = () => {
var db = open.result;
var tx = db.transaction("urls");
var store = tx.objectStore("urls");
var request = store.get("fetchNotificationDataUrl");
request.onsuccess = (ev) => {
var fetchNotificationDataUrl = request.result;
console.log("[serviceWorker] Fetching notification data from ->", fetchNotificationDataUrl);
if (!(!fetchNotificationDataUrl || fetchNotificationDataUrl.length === 0 || !fetchNotificationDataUrl.trim().length === 0)) {
fetch(fetchNotificationDataUrl, {
credentials: "include"
}).then((response) => {
if (response.status !== 200) {
console.log("[serviceWorker] Looks like there was a problem. Status Code: " + response.status);
throw new Error();
return response.json().then((data) => {
if (!data) {
console.error("[serviceWorker] The API returned no data. Showing default notification", data);
//throw new Error();
showDefaultNotification({ url: "/" });
var title = data.Title;
var message = data.Message;
var icon = data.Icon;
var tag = data.Tag;
var url = data.Url;
return self.registration.showNotification(title, {
body: message,
icon: icon,
tag: tag,
data: {
url: url
requireInteraction: true
}).catch((err) => {
console.error("[serviceWorker] Unable to retrieve data", err);
var title = "An error occurred";
var message = "We were unable to get the information for this push message";
var icon = "/favicon.ico";
var tag = "notification-error";
return self.registration.showNotification(title, {
body: message,
icon: icon,
tag: tag,
data: {
url: "/"
requireInteraction: true
} else {
showDefaultNotification({ url: "/" });
Unfortunately when I receive a new push event it doesn't work, showing this exception:
Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'waitUntil' on 'ExtendableEvent': The event handler is already finished. at IDBRequest.request.onsuccess (
How can I resolve this?
Thanks in advance
The initial call to event.waitUntil()
needs to be done synchronously when the event handler is first invoked. You can then pass in a promise chain to event.waitUntil()
, and inside that promise chain, carry out any number of asynchronous actions.
Your current code invokes an asynchronous IndexedDB callback before it calls event.waitUntil()
, which is why you're seeing that error.
The easiest way to include IndexedDB operations inside a promise chain is to use a wrapper library, like idb-keyval
, which takes the callback-based IndexedDB API and converts it into a promise-based API.
Your code could then look like:
self.addEventListener('push', event => {
// Call event.waitUntil() immediately:
// You can chain together promises:
.then(url => fetch(url))
.then(response => response.json())
.then(json => self.registration.showNotification(...)