
Which append method to use here (raw JS)

So I found several methods for appending an element in Vanilla JS. My situation is this:

enter image description here wikiName and wikiContent are both added dynamically but separately from each other.


function processRequest() {
  if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
    response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);

    var divResults = document.getElementById("results");
    for (i=0; i<10; i++) {

        // Iterates through names of entries
        var wikiName = document.createElement('p');
        var wikiNameText = document.createTextNode(response[1][i]);

        var wikiContent = document.createElement('p');
        var wikiContentText = document.createTextNode(response[2][i]);

Here's what I think:

1) I can't use .insertAdjacentHTML because I don't have exact text of wikiContentText, it's created dynamically.

2) parentDiv.insertBefore(nodeToInsert, nodeToInsertAfter.nextSibling); also doesn't work here IMHO, because wikiNames have next siblings.

3) I tried using .appendChild and as you can see in the picture it worked but now I don't know how to style wikiNamess separately from wikiContents.

The question:

Is there another way to append an element without using jQuery? (I'm not comfortable with raw JS yet and don't want to start jQuery just yet)

Or how can I style those headings separately from paragraphs?

Thank you in advance.


  • Is there another way to append an element without using jQuery?

    Yes. jQuery is becoming increasingly unnecessary.

    Or how can I style those headings separately from paragraphs?

    Use CSS, with a selector that can be the element or a class.

    Seems to me this is a definition list, or DL element. Create a DL, then the term can be put in a DT element and the explanation in a DD element. The following uses all DOM methods:

    var data = [['Term 1','Term 2','Term 3','Term 4'],['Term 1 description','Term 2 description','Term 3 description','Term 4 description']];
    function insertList(data) {
      var dl = document.createElement('dl');
      data[0].forEach(function(wikiName, i) {
        var dt = document.createElement('dt');
        var dd = document.createElement('dd');
    dt {
      font-weight: bold;

    An alternative is to create a string of HTML and insert it as the innerHTML of a DL:

    var data = [['Term 1','Term 2','Term 3','Term 4'],['Term 1 description','Term 2 description','Term 3 description','Term 4 description']];
    function insertList2(data) {
      var dl = document.createElement('dl');
      dl.innerHTML = data[0].reduce(function(html, wikiName, i) {
        html += '<dt>' + wikiName + '<dd>' + data[1][i];
        return html;
    dt {
      font-weight: bold;