I am trying to use datatables in one of my project. If I am removing pipelining="true" pipesize="3"
then pagination is not coming and if I do so it fetches all data in JSON Format.
<datatables:table id="lonlatTable" url="getLatLonList" serverSide="true" pipelining="true" pipeSize="3" row="latlon" rowIdBase="id" rowIdPrefix="latlon_" displayLength="10" lengthMenu="10,15,25,50,100,200,500,700,1000" jqueryUI="true"
filterable="true" sortable="true" processing="true" scrollX="true" autoWidth="true" pageable="true" paginationType="full_numbers" stateSave="false" deferRender="true" >
What should I do as I am using Dandelion 0.10.0.
I have upgeaded to 1.1.0 but still no luck. I have found that it is not generating pipelining.js.
In older version of dandelion pagination was working without any problem.
<mvc:resources mapping="/dandelion/**" location="/dandelion/" />
in dispatcher it solved pipelining problem but now it fails with
TypeError: $.fn.dataTable.Api is undefined
Please provide solution because project is delaying.
<mvc:resources mapping="/dandelion/**" location="/dandelion/" />
in dispatcher it solved pipelining problem