I trying to build a dynamic query similar to:
def domain = DomainName
def ids = 1
def domainClass = "$domain" as Class
domainClass.find("from ${domain} as m where m.job = ${ids} ").id
But it's not working.
If I'm trying this, all is fine:
def domain = DomainName
def ids = 1
DomainName.find("from ${domain} as m where m.job = ${ids} ").id
How can I use dynamic domain class name with find?
The simplest way is to use the getDomainClass
String domainClassName = 'com.foo.bar.Person'
def ids = 1
def domainClass = grailsApplication.getDomainClass(domainClassName).clazz
domainClass.find("from $domainClassName as m where m.job = ${ids} ").id
Note that if you're trying to get a single instance by id, use get
long id = 1234
def person = domainClass.get(id)
and if you want to get multiple instances and you have a list of ids, you can use getAll
def ids = [1,2,3,4,5]
def people = domainClass.getAll(ids)
Also it's a REALLY bad idea to use GStrings with property values embedded - Google 'SQL Injection'
For example to find a person by username:
String username = 'foo'
def person = domainClass.find(
"from $domainClassName as m where m.username=:username",
[username: username])