I'd like to require a case class to also implement at least one of certain traits.
I thought, I could use self-type annotations like this:
case class DisqualifiedDate(override val paths: Set[DatePath],
override val cal: Calendar) extends CalendricDate(paths,cal){
this: DateError =>
val stringPrefix = "DisqualifiedDate"
sealed trait DateError
trait Circular extends DateError
trait Contradictory extends DateError
trait Inaccessible extends DateError
However instantiating with a mixin doesn't compile. So, when I do:
val date = new DisqualifiedDate(Set(datePath),cal) with Circular
this doesn't compile.
Am I doing something wrong or this the whole approach flawed?
SOLVED: It works perfectly with a normal class, i.e. non-case class. I'm not sure why this is so, but I'm OK with that.
A stand-alone case class (i.e. without extends
or mixins) can't be self typed.
Think about it. A case class
is both a class definition and a singleton instantiation. A self-type reference means that instantiation can't take place without the specified self-type mixed in.
You either have to make it a class definition without the automatic singleton creation, or mix in the required trait when the case class is defined.
class DisqualifiedDate(override val paths: Set[DatePath],
override val cal: Calendar
) extends CalendricDate(paths,cal) {
this: DateError =>
. . .
Or ...
case class DisqualifiedDate(override val paths: Set[DatePath],
override val cal: Calendar
) extends CalendricDate(paths,cal) with DateError {
this: DateError => // now redundant
. . .