I am currently using python-twitter module and I want to be able to isolate a string from the return I get with api.GetFollowersPaged(). When I run the code to print the return I get something that looks like this:
[User(ID=...., ScreenName=....)]
how could I isolate just the value of either ID or ScreenName and assign it to another variable. I have tried to use
print ScreenName
but recieve a NameError telling me ScreenName is not defined.
I did find a way to do what I was trying to do I switched to tweepy and wrote the following script
Users = tweepy.Cursor (api.followers, screen_name= whatever).items ()
while True:
User= next (Users)
except tweepy.TweepError:
time.sleep (60*15)
User = next (Users)
except StopIteration:
retsn= user.screen_name
print '@' + retsn
Thanks to everyone for trying to help and hopefully this helps someone someday