I would like to be able to draw something like a chess board using haskell and gloss.
In any other language I could do something like
for( i=0; i < 10; i++){
for( j=0; j < 10; j++){
drawSquare(radius, i, j)
and that would be it, but I am new to haskell and I have no idea how this can be done. I am using Gloss and I am able to draw things manually, but I want to be able to create them procedurally not 1 by 1 until I draw 100 squares.
If you work inside the IO monad, you can use the same style. For instance
printSquares :: IO ()
printSquares =
forM_ [0..9] $ \x ->
forM_ [0..9] $ \y -> do
putStrLn "Here's a square!"
putStrLn ("Square(" ++ show x ++ ", " ++ show y ++ ")")
-- add here the actual drawing Gloss commands
I'm not familiar with Gloss to suggest the actual drawing commands.
Update: it seems Gloss has a different interface than using IO as above. You probably need something like
squares :: Picture
squares = Pictures [ square x y | x<-[0..9], y<-[0..9] ]
square :: Float -> Float -> Picture
square x y = Polygon [(x,y), (x+1,y), (x+1,y+1), (x,y+1) ]
-- even better: use rectangleWire and then translate
-- rectangleUpperWire also seems useful