
How to setup Heroku toolbelt on c9

I'm having trouble with the directions from c9 documentation on setting up the Heroku Toolbelt on c9:


This is what I'm entering in the terminal:

$ awscli-bundle.zip\n$ apt-get awscli-bundle.zip\n$ manually update; heroku-toolbelt sh

However, it is returning an error:

bash: awscli-bundle.zipn$: command not found

bash: heroku-toolbelt: command not found


  • That section of the documentation looks badly mangled to me. awscli-bundle.zip is used for Amazon Web Services, not Heroku.

    An older version of that page shows this command instead:

    wget -O- https://toolbelt.heroku.com/install-ubuntu.sh | sh

    This looks a lot more reasonable.

    I just tried this out on a new c9 VM and my heroku binary was successfully upgraded from version 3.43.13 to 3.43.16.