
how react-native renders the TouchableOpacity components on the same row - horizontally

I have a product component - TouchableOpacity as shown in picture. Number of products is dynamic.Thing is that, I want to post 2 products on each row. But I can't. It renders them vertically, although I set horizontal as true. How can I solve, it? Do you have any suggestion?

enter image description here

Here is my styling of the component

enter image description here

And it is how they are rendered enter image description here


  • The default value for flexDirection in react-native is column. You should set it to row in the style of the container of your list of TouchableOpacity.

    Here is an example from the official documentation :

    If you want your elements, that exceed the container size to be wrapped to the next line, you can set flexWrap:"wrap". Here is the doc: