
explicitly close db connection in slick

Here is code I am trying to optimise:

object UserRepo
  val users = TableQuery[Users]

  val dbName = "db"

  lazy val queryAllUsers = for (user <- users) yield user

  type UserRow =  (Int, String, String, String)

  def getAll() : Future[ Seq[UserRow] ] =
    val db = Database.forConfig( dbName )

    val f: Future[Seq[UserRow]] = queryAllUsers.result )

    f.onComplete {
      case Success(_) => { db.close() }
      case Failure(_) => { db.close() }



I going to have number of query to the DB I am trying to get rid of string where I am creating DB connection. Is there any execution context I can use to close connection explicitly ?? so code will look more concise ?

Is there option to get used db connection within Future.onComplete scope??



  • As for your comment ( explicitly close db connection in slick ) normally what you do is to create a connection on an application startup (or lazily on first use) and then closing it at the application end.

    This obviously all depends what kind of application you are running:

    General way (no DI)

    The easiest general way (assuming you are not using DI or play-slick) of doing this would be perhaps something like this:

    object DbManager {
      lazy val db = createDb
      private def createDb = {
      def close {

    Then your code would be:

    object UserRepo
      val users = TableQuery[Users]
      lazy val queryAllUsers = for (user <- users) yield user
      type UserRow =  (Int, String, String, String)
      def getAll() : Future[ Seq[UserRow] ] =
      { queryAllUsers.result )

    Above code doesn't do any cleaning up - this would need to be added to some kind of hook when application is closing (in case e.g. of web application) or you would need to manually call DbManager.close at some specified time (when you are closing the application).

    Play slick

    You would probably need to start from here: (most basic sample showing play-slick configuration).

    Updating your answer with this would be:

    class UserRepo @Inject() (dbConfigProvider: DatabaseConfigProvider) extends HasDatabaseConfigProvider[JdbcProfile])
      import driver.api._
      val users = TableQuery[Users]
      lazy val queryAllUsers = for (user <- users) yield user
      type UserRow =  (Int, String, String, String)
      def getAll() : Future[ Seq[UserRow] ] =
      { queryAllUsers.result )

    In this scenario you wouldn't call:


    but you would rather need to inject it:

    class MyClientCode @Inject() (userRepo: UserRepo) {

    You would need to obviously configure it in your configuration but this should be very straightforward to do with the sample provided above.

    So in short your Play application will have database connection configuration and would do all initialization / cleaning up. Your external modules (like the one you described in your comment) would simply pull DatabaseConfigProvider as Guice managed dependency (as show above).