I have the following configuration for Reactor in my Spring Boot app:
public class AsyncConfig {
public EventBus eventBus(){
return EventBus.create(getDispatcher("rb-relay"));
public MultiThreadDispatcher getDispatcher(String name){
return new WorkQueueDispatcher(name, 4, 1024, null);
Basically what I'm doing is this: whenever an request comes to my endpoint, I relay it to other endpoints registered in my app. For that, I dispatch every incoming request to the bus:
public class URLRelayPublisher {
EventBus bus;
DestinationURLRepository repository;
public void relay(HttpServletRequest request){
.forEach(destinationURL -> bus.notify("relay", Event.wrap(new RelayEvent(destinationURL, request))));
and my consumer
public class URLRelayReceiver implements Consumer<Event<RelayEvent>> {
RestTemplate template;
public void accept(Event<RelayEvent> relayEvent) {
HttpServletRequest request = relayEvent.getData().getRequest();
DestinationURL destinationURL = relayEvent.getData().getDestinationURL();
log.info("Relaying for "+destinationURL.getUrl());
Map<String, String> headers = buildHeader(request);
template.postForLocation(destinationURL.getUrl(), headers, request.getParameterMap());
}catch (RestClientException e){
log.info("Could not relay event: "+e.getMessage());
Disruptor claims to process around 6-8 Mi TPS, although when I siege
the app (siege -d 2 -c 50 -t30S -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Auth-Token: qyz3kHZFuXRw8nm14uYLjLNoQ' ' POST {"content": "message"}'
) I get something around 96 TPS. My questions are: 1) Is the configuration above enough to use Disruptor? 2) How do I make sure I'm using Disruptor right in here?
The disruptor can "process" 6-8 Mi TPS but all that means is it can exchange 6-8 Mi events between threads. It is not making any claims about the throughput of a spring-boot application.
So in you're example it is passing RelayEvent
between the various Consumers
. Given all the other work going on in the context of a spring-boot application that will dominate the performance of the application rather than the disruptor.